IP Litigation
Being part of the C&C Group allows IPSOL to redirect any legal issue that may impact on your IP rights and work close with the C&C Lawyers IP and Litigation Departments in order to provide a full range of services regarding to the prosecution and enforcement of your IP rights.
We also have a strong network of leading law firms worldwide enabling us to serve you on cross-border transactions and to provide a multi-jurisdiction specific expert legal advice.
IPSOL offers the full range of services relating to your IP rights:
Unfair Competition: Comparative or misleading or denigratory advertising, product imitation, may result in unfair competition proceedings. Unfair competition cases are frequently associated with patent, trademark, design or copyright litigation.
Trade Secrets: to enhance the protection of trade secrets and undisclosed commercial information, you should sign non disclosure agreements with everyone who has knowledge of your secrets. The remedies available for breach of confidence include injunctions, damages, account of profits and delivery of materials containing the confidential information.
Counterfeiting And Customs Intervention: we may assist you in the criminal enforcement of intellectual property by assisting law enforcement officers including Police and Customs to bring prosecutions against infringers, preventing illegal goods from entering in Macau, seize the merchandise at customs or removing them from the marketplace.
Enforcement: at IPSOL we understand trademark services from a dynamic point of view. With the resource to Lawyers from C&C it will also possible to provide you assistance on the possibilities of enforcing your IP rights and defend you against third party infringement.